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Explore excellence with these three transformative books on habit formation.

Their insights changed how I see personal excellence and leadership. Together they shaped my coaching approach during my time as a collegiate rowing coach.


Book #1: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg combines scientific research with storytelling to explore the psychology behind habits. This book showed me why habits are key. They are not just part of personal routines. They are also at the core of teams and communities.

My favorite quote, "champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned," struck a chord. It taught me the important of instilling habits in my athletes. And why practices looked pretty similar day to day- a running joke between them and me.

Book #2: Atomic Habits by James Clear

It seems like everyone recommends this book, and for good reason.

James Clear emphasizes changing your identity to match what you want to become. This idea offered a new lens for how I viewed coaching. I loved the idea that "you should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results." It shifted my focus. This fostered a culture of improvement. It helped athletes focus on long-term growth.


Book #3: Above The Line by Urban Meyer

Above The Line might seem focused on football. But, its principles of leadership and accountability apply to everyone. Your habits reveal them.

Meyer's formula, E + R = O, (Event + Response = Outcome) simplifies the essence of personal growth and success. Meyer's emphasis is on the "R" - our response to life's events; “you can't control the Es of life- the events you encounter. And you don't have direct control over the Os- the outcomes. The only thing you do have total control over is the Rs- your responses to the events you encounter." This encapsulates the proactive mindset that is essential for success in any endeavor.

The lessons from these books have shaped a philosophy that values continuous improvement, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence through disciplined habits. They've taught me that, on water and in life, our success reflects our habits and responses to challenges.

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